Thursday 18 June 2009

New Online Tax Help For Small Businesses

For those of you just starting out in business, or thinking of doing so, there's a new online resource, set up by HMRC, via Business Link, to help you through a few of the basics, such as starting out in business, National Insurance, record keeping and employing other people.

This help takes two main forms. There are 10 brief, bite sized videos, providing an overview of each topic, as well as a downloadable guide, entitled; "Giving your business the best start with tax".

It's not going to answer every question, and as usual, I would always suggest seeking specific business advice from an expert, however, it's a useful start for those wishing to answer a few of the more common questions.

Definately worth a quick look.
**Update** These videos have now been updated to our own web site. You can also check them out there.

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